() Pavel K: stopped working as of August 2022 (edit: it works again when I updated chrome).() Dario Cáceres: A la fecha 08/22 no funciona, se vuelven a cargar las paginas.() Walter Ramos: Me encanta, la tengo desde hace 1 año y todavía sigue funcionando, súper recomendadisima.() Ataur Rahman: tab auto loading stopped perfectly.() Tomas Aguirre: Es genial, si funciona!.() Admission Labs adsense account: best solution to automatic reloading of tabs.() Viktor Németh: Stopped working a while ago.() Megan hrtlss sl: Worked really well until around November-December 2022 but as of the start of 2023, it's working again for me!.Thanks a million! This works as intended and as described.Ĭhrome is worthless without this extension.
#Disable automatic tab discarding how to

Every they do in their update is basically make user experience as uncomfortable as possible.

() modernator: Google Developers are bunch of dumbass.() Joseph Duval: It worked flawlessly until a few days ago, but now it's broken again.() A Random User: using it for a while now, and no issues at all.